Tag Archives: Dawn McCoy

Leaders Resolving To Do More

Usually New Year’s resolutions are a time to set personal goals and commitments. More than that, this time of year is a day for personal reflection. For those among us who are leaders, this is a time to aim high and do more.

The Best Holiday Present

Dusting off and firing up my grandmother’s vintage electric Sunbeam mixing bowl never had more meaning than now. Just six months ago, she moved from her home of more than fifty years into a convalescent home. And just a few weeks after her death at the height of this holiday season, her legacy and leadership […]

Can We All Join Hands?

It is that time of year again when we gather with family members to break bread and have feasts. What an opportunity to celebrate one another and cherish our loved ones!

Tis the Season For No Folly!

It might be the time to gather with family and friends to celebrate holidays, but it is also a time for leaders to be relentless. Without collective wisdom as the voice of reason, we are subject to taking on new projects, starting endeavors, and trying new initiatives without making progress. Now that is foolishness! Instead, […]

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