Category Archives: Self Improvement

Leaders: Please Stop Now!

Prolific business management consultant, author, and leadership guru Peter Drucker once said that “We spend a lot of time teaching our leaders what to do. We don’t spend enough time teaching them what to stop.” What a poignant thought for the times in which we live! One simple question is this: What can be done […]

Leadership For One, Please

It should not come as a surprise when we see wild maverick behavior among self-declared leaders. They are so close to their own images that they cannot see that true leadership is about having followers.

Foolish Leadership

Every now and then, we sit shaking our heads in disbelief at the folly of leaders. News stories outrage us. Gossip on the street baffles the mind. Online updates tell a dark tale about leadership gone wrong. So, where is the personal accountability among our leaders today?

Looking Into the Crystal Ball

Some of the best plans are not dreamed up overnight. In fact, these might take decades to come to fruition. Why? It is probably because the brightest leaders among us decide to nurture a plan into action. Just how does this happen?

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