When you show that you have the determination and focus you find new ways to make things happen. It means that you find a way. This month my theme is all about determination. It means that I will make sure to together and align themselves? How do teams work together and in unison? What is the […]
Tag Archives: Flourish Leadership
As a child, I celebrated May Day sitting in a grassy field making daisy chains with my besties. We put our skills together to make daisy bracelets, headbands, and anklets! What fond memories as we laughed the afternoon away! This month I celebrate collaboration and all that it means. In other words, what are the […]
What if you had the roadmap about how to be a better leader? Would you use it or continue along the path you have taken? I know I would read the roadmap! For me, leaders who flourish are those who proactively engage support and insight. These include people who are thriving with leading others and […]
There are some people who I have a very high regard for and these include those living with rare diseases. They have earned the title of hero and courageous without even trying. It’s just because. With almost 7,000 rare diseases, there are more than 30 million Americans living with a rare condition. That is an […]
The Sunday worship message this weekend was timely! It was an insightful message about the state of various current affairs. While the issues are too much for me to delve into briefly here, I found encouragement in the showing of a brief movie clip from the 2015 War Room about the power of prayer. One of the lead characters, Ms. Clara, […]