Tag Archives: Flourish Leadership

Leaders Share Legacy

I come from a family of leaders, preachers, and teachers. So, you can imagine that I’ve spent years informally researching their untold stories and decades of messages of creative leadership. Listening to family storytelling throughout my life, I’ve always been aware of these of my elders and ancestors who have consistently given back to the […]

Top Tips for 21st Century Leaders

When we think about the best ways that leaders can emerge, we imagine that the key skills must include high-tech expertise and all the bells and whistles. Yes, those are important traits. However, there are several fundamental dynamics for leaders to have at every juncture. Here are some basics that every confident leader should nurture through […]

Confident Leadership

It goes without saying that leaders should nurture their #confidentleadership skills at every possible opportunity. As #servantleaders, they should be ready to nurture themselves and others. ⠀ How and when this happens really depends upon a leader’s self-awareness and his or her ability to nurture others. The openness of a protege or peer is contingent as well. So, […]

Leading During A Crisis

Hurricane Florence hit the east coast of the United States this week affecting millions of people in their homes and communities. In turn, leaders have an opportunity to rise above the confusion to show support and guidance to others. Here are three considerations.

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