Without question, there are times when we see deplorable leadership in action. We see this in our communities, our government, and in the private sector. With a lack of foresight to lead others and set a good example, followers have no other choice than to be left confused.
Tag Archives: Dawn McCoy
Taking too long to assess a situation can be detrimental for any leader. When it comes to looking at an issue, leaders must do a quick read and scan and then dive in further. This ability to size up a situation is what allows them to not get taken down by the age-old problem of […]
Please tell me that you saw the news report from Ohio that reminds us that sportsmanship still exist. It was an amazing story about a high school senior, Megan Vogel, who was running the final stretch of her track and field event. When she noticed another runner who stumbled and fell in front of her, […]
Dawn McCoy, leadership development author, provides insight about music and arts industry leaders
Last year, the world recognized contributions of Steve Jobs widely recognized as a global leader. He made significant contributions to the world with the iPod, iPad, and iPhone technology. His efforts now serve as the cornerstone of modern technology and his revolutionary leadership serves as an opportunity for lessons to be learned.