Are there any shortcuts to better leadership? Absolutely! This recent Forbes article cites that it might be easier than one thinks.
Tag Archives: Dawn McCoy
In a climate that is full of dysfunction, distrust, and gridlock, people nationwide paused the other day to appreciate and admire the courage of a new hero, BatKid. Miles Scott, a five-year old leukemia patient in remission fulfilled a dream made possible by the Make-a-Wish Foundation and warmed our hearts.
In the early 1990s, I had the privilege of visiting South Africa. During my travels throughout the country, I was humbled by a visit to Robben Island and the life experiences of South African leader Nelson Mandela.
It never ceases to amaze me! Ordinary and average performances have become so common. People have become comfortable with so-so efforts and less than extraordinary feats. It is as if the bar for excellence has seemingly been lowered.
Transparent leadership is terminology tossed around readily among today’s top leaders. When leaders demonstrate behavior that is open and candid then they become predictable and trusted by followers. On the contrary, when leaders fail to be forthcoming then a lack of trust permeates within any organization. Why wouldn’t more organizations or leaders commit themselves to […]