Noted author and businessman Harvey Mackay once said that “A mediocre person tells. A good person explains. A superior person demonstrates. A great person inspires others to see for themselves.” What meaningful words for leaders to follow!
Category Archives: Leadership
Recently a trip to the grocery store provided a simple but amazingly true lesson in leadership. A young cashier was troubled by the process to ring up a gift card I was purchasing. She was confused and seemingly fumbled over the cash register rather than refusing to call for manager assistance. That is when the […]
In this year-end season of over-indulgence, over-commitment, and over-doing it, I think it seems reasonable to maintain life balance. That, of course, is easier said than done for most of us.
After watching the latest round of commercials promoting America’s top “this” and greatest “that” it occurred to me that authentic leaders go beyond those titles. In fact, they are the everyday people who are not voted most famous, glamour, and popular.
Yet again another natural disaster has hit our nation. It was Hurricane Sandy this year, Hurricane Irene last year, and Hurricane Katrina in yesteryear. But, why is it that top government officials are seemingly caught off guard without backup plans? Is it Mother Nature’s way of teaching a valuable lesson in leadership?