Category Archives: Leadership

United Airlines and Leadership 101 on Customer Service

In recent weeks, news stories covered the United Airlines public relations fiasco when a passenger was forced from his seat and removed from the aircraft. Albeit the tragic nature of forcible removal evident of wartime strategies, there is a teachable moment for leaders. What’s the bottom line? Leaders must own mistakes and accept responsibility.

Life Happens: Leadership Skills in Action

On my latest podcast I reflect about leadership skills necessary to manage when the unexpected happens. How will you manage when a personal obligation conflicts with professional commitments? How can you quickly realign your priorities? I discuss the importance of drawing upon leadership skills. Listen to “Life Happens: Leadership Skills in Action” on Spreaker. Be […]

Leaders: Step Up and Step Out!

Too often people forget that leadership is more than just a position. The assumption is that they should just step up to the plate to be in charge. Some perceive that leadership is about give orders and making decisions. That is, in part, leadership. But, there is more to it than that.

Leadership: What’s the Big Deal?

Here’s my latest podcast about the necessity of better leadership and training. Would we allow a new driver to get onto the roadways without adequate skills and behind-the-wheel training? I discuss the importance and necessity of leadership training. Don’t those we serve deserve at least that much? Listen to “Leadership: What’s the Big Deal” Be […]

Superbowl Fans: Score Big With Leadership Tips

Superbowl Sunday has finally arrived! Fans are gathered ceremoniously around televisions everywhere for the big event. Football fans can take a 30-second time out take between creative commercials and the duel for the championship to ponder a few leadership tips gleaned from Superbowl LI.

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