Too often, some leaders need a gentle reminder. Yes, I include myself too. As leaders, we do not realize that we are giving others permission to shine and showcase their talents when the opportunity emerges. This quote by Marianne Williamson really does say it all, right? But, what does it mean to shine as a […]
When you show that you have the determination and focus you find new ways to make things happen. It means that you find a way. This month my theme is all about determination. It means that I will make sure to together and align themselves? How do teams work together and in unison? What is the […]
Recently, I connected with some amazing women leaders for a community event. It was a terrific time to compare notes and share stories. But, more than anything it was that we were aligned with a common purpose and goal: serving others.
As a proud member of Generation X, this article seemed timely and profound. For current and aspiring leaders who want to flourish and thrive, this article offers insight into how people work together. In this recent article, there are ways that leaders and others can be effective in reaching out to others. It seems like this […]
As a child, I celebrated May Day sitting in a grassy field making daisy chains with my besties. We put our skills together to make daisy bracelets, headbands, and anklets! What fond memories as we laughed the afternoon away! This month I celebrate collaboration and all that it means. In other words, what are the […]