If you really stop to think about it, real leaders write blogs! These are the ones who have something to say, something to add, and a point to make.
Skillfully leaders take the time to outline and state their case to persuade a reader about the significance of some cause. It might include advocating for more or less or castigating others for an egregious situation. More than likely tactical leaders devote energy to blogging about an area of interest and building a consensus among others, quite possibly building an alliance at the same time.
Nonetheless, it’s clear that leaders courageously initiate a conversation and really connect with readers. This requires stepping out on faith to make a point or taking an unpopular position. Let’s face it, real leaders talk about the elephant in the room! Blogging leaders take the time to delve into an issue.
So the next time to read a blog think about the leader sitting behind the screen and pause to appreciate the tenacity for how a short but meaningful message is logged.