Leaders have an important job. That is simply this: Be courageous. In every aspect of serving others, leaders are challenged to step up, lean in, and rise beyond fear. There is an obligation and the world is waiting!
So, this year I am sharing more lessons learned and observations about how leaders step into that next level of leadership. As an advocate, former policymaker, and community leader, I am compelled to encourage aspiring leaders to pursue roles where their support is vital.
In her powerful book Return to Love, Williamson includes timely and profound reflections for leaders:
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, ‘Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?’ Actually, who are you not to be?”
Leaders must courageously move into resilience. There must be an inner resolve to have the courage to share talents and reveal visions and dreams. It might not seem that doing so makes a difference. But, it does. By taking that step of faith others are inspired to as well.
So, what are you willing to do to step courageously into your leadership role? To ramp up, you will need to have vital tools to get there. Make an investment today with training guides such as Leadership Building Blocks: An Insider’s Guide to Success and resourceful worksheets below.
Get started with the complimentary leadership worksheets on your journey to more courageous leadership. With these handy lists, leaders like you can assess next steps. Who are leaders not to do so?