The Sunday worship message this weekend was timely! It was an insightful message about the state of various current affairs. While the issues are too much for me to delve into briefly here, I found encouragement in the showing of a brief movie clip from the 2015 War Room about the power of prayer. One of the lead characters, Ms. Clara, prayed for her “War Room” prayer closet with a message focused on people being prayer warriors and serving others.
With unparalleled dissension and strife nationwide, there is a paradigm shift and opportunity that is underway for leaders. In that regard, it is a time for leaders to re-focus efforts on what must be done to nurture others. Let me further explain.
It’s no longer enough that leaders are trained or in positions of authority.
Now, it is imperative that leaders are taking opportunities to do more and be proactive. While effective leadership has never been about hiding behind grand titles or within palatial cushy corner office, it is important that there is a focus on how to proactively engage with other leaders and followers alike.
Second, coalitions are more important now than ever — regardless of the issue. People must think about what they will do to support are doing more to engage with each other and followers. It’s an opportunity for long-standing collaboration.
To accomplish that task, greater personal and systemic accountability is necessary. It’s not just about training but about developing accountability for leaders.
Are you interested in doing that for yourself or someone you know? Then download this complimentary set of Leadership Accountability Worksheets to ensure that you (or your referral) stay on the right track. If anything, we can each start where we are to bring about greater accountability!