In recent weeks, news stories covered the United Airlines public relations fiasco when a passenger was forced from his seat and removed from the aircraft. Albeit the tragic nature of forcible removal evident of wartime strategies, there is a teachable moment for leaders. What’s the bottom line? Leaders must own mistakes and accept responsibility.
First, the airline incident showed how not to treat customers. The forcible removal show airline company insensitivity to a paid customer. Disrespect was evident from news coverage. Many were likely traumatized by the incident. It could have been any of them. It could have been any of us. It could have been a loved one.
Why couldn’t there have been a more substantial conversation and no excess force used? How about an open dialogue before passengers boarded the plane?
Second, executive management can take a page on how to tactfully handle tentative situations in the future. Any executive should accept responsibility, apologize, and offer solutions for improvement. Unfortunately, the airline CEO initially claimed that the passenger was belligerent and that he deserved forcible removal. However, after cell phone technology captured by dozens of passengers went viral he had to retract his statements. He had to accept full responsibility for the irresponsible actions of security and airline staff.
Finally, leaders within the airlines likely are being re-trained how to respond to customer inquiries and concerns, handling overbooked situations. Had there been a better troubleshooting strategy – offering free seats before passengers are loaded – there might have been a different outcome. Hopefully this airline fiasco will provide leaders lessons learn instead of making the same mistake again.
Dawn McCoy
Author of Leadership Building Blocks: An Insider’s Guide to Success
I agree fully with Ms. McCoy. The incident could have been avoided and I too fault the management of United Airlines. Your recommendations for leaders to use this as a teachable moment is spot on.