Usually New Year’s resolutions are a time to set personal goals and commitments. More than that, this time of year is a day for personal reflection. For those among us who are leaders, this is a time to aim high and do more.
Just what should the best leaders among us do?
First, there should be a commitment to be creative with technology. In this era of social media and the information superhighway, it is imperative for leaders to use cutting-edge communication methods to reach followers. While not every leader is equipped with the hard-wiring to be tech-savvy, there are “techies” on practically every corner who are.
Also, our leaders should be globally focused. In this way, a priority to connect with other like-minded leaders is a top goal. Likewise, it is important for our best leaders to reach out to constituents and advocates of different perspectives and persuasions than their own. In this way, a broader scope of understanding is the outcome.
Leaders must take time as we celebrate New Year’s 2012 to resolve to do more. It is the best chance for leaders to step ahead of the crowd and stand out. Only those leaders who do more will rise to the next level.
Dawn McCoy, author of Leadership Building Blocks: An Insider’s Guide to Success