Anyone can assume a leadership role. This happens through an appointment, election, or self-selection. Taking on the position does not mean that one is prepared or equipped to be an effective leader or successful. So, what does it take to be successful?
There are many ways leaders are deemed to be accomplished. Some are measured according to power, wealth, or fame achieved. On the contrary, leaders can be judged by outcomes and results. Regardless, leaders are assessed by how to they go from being ordinary Joe and Jane to transformational leaders. There are three ways that leaders go through the process to become successful and effective.
First, good leaders are attentive to the need for balance between work and personal life. Without this focus, stress, burnout, or physical ailments might result. Working excessive hours or maintaining a relentless pace makes anyone off-kilter, much less a leader responsible for vision and directing others. Leaders can be more effective by developing a system to maintain a regular schedule of personal commitments and professional obligations. Leaders can stay focused through exercise, hobbies, and quality time with supportive networks.
Second, successful leaders are committed to building relationships. Alliances and coalitions developed convey an ability to connect with others. Staying engaged, building trust, and reinforcing collaboration demonstrate how leaders can have an impact. Successful leaders develop a rapport by serving as an advocate, a champion for a cause, ideas, or perspective. To accomplish this, leaders develop ongoing relationships achieved through solid communication – written and listening skills.
Finally, another important trait is that leaders are courageous. Having the inner resolve to explore unfamiliar territory, for instance, is one way leaders flourish. In a nutshell, leaders have the guts to step outside a traditional pathway and guide others. This tenacity also becomes clear when leaders go beyond their comfort zone and stay focused despite uncertainty or fear.
With a commitment to implement a few easy steps, leaders can become tremendously successful.