Tag Archives: Servant leadership

Confident Leadership

It goes without saying that leaders should nurture their #confidentleadership skills at every possible opportunity. As #servantleaders, they should be ready to nurture themselves and others. ⠀ How and when this happens really depends upon a leader’s self-awareness and his or her ability to nurture others. The openness of a protege or peer is contingent as well. So, […]

Lead Us Into Success

De facto leaders continue to fascinate me. Unfortunately, too many of them do not read the fine print in their job descriptions. Instead, they lead by fear tactics, exaggeration, and gamesmanship.

Servant Leadership: From the Wisdom of Babes

Seattle news stories flashed the tragic 13-car accident this summer that took the life of a rising leader. In fact, the nation responded to her simple call for action to bring clean water to an African town. Interestingly enough, nine-year old Rachel Beckwith had only one wish for her 9th birthday. All she wanted was […]

Leaders and Heroes

“Good leaders always step out from the crowd and beyond the confusion” is the quote that begins the chapter entitled “Get Help Now!” in my book Leadership Building Blocks: An Insider’s Guide to Success. In the age of heightened security, you would think that there would be emergency leadership meetings everywhere. Maybe there are. Regardless […]

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