Tag Archives: Martin Luther King

5 Reads for President’s Day and Black History Month 2017

Every year during the month of February, we celebrate president’s day and black history month. What remains fascinating is the opportunity to always glean new lessons from the past. Leaders with prior experience and perspective can provide insight for leaders today.

César Chávez: Human Rights Leadership in Action

March 31st is a day when a few states in our nation recognize and celebrate the life of the late César Chávez. California has declared a state holiday and a day of service is acknowledged in Arizona, Texas, and Colorado. As a noted human rights activist who co-founded the National Farm Workers Association (later known […]

Leaders and Heroes

“Good leaders always step out from the crowd and beyond the confusion” is the quote that begins the chapter entitled “Get Help Now!” in my book Leadership Building Blocks: An Insider’s Guide to Success. In the age of heightened security, you would think that there would be emergency leadership meetings everywhere. Maybe there are. Regardless […]

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