Tag Archives: Leadership Building Blocks: An Insider’s Guide to Success

Living in the Land of What If…

Too often, leaders and followers live in the land of “what if” and not what really is. They ponder how it would be if things were different. What if all the votes were there for a prior decision? How could the plans have been revised to be more accommodating? They consider what would happen if […]

Covey: Leaders Build Trust

Last month, the world lost an icon with leadership and self-help expert Stephen Covey. Not only was he an author and internationally recognized speaker but he provided unparalleled insight about a primary fundamental for leaders today: trust.

What Would Good Leaders Do?

Without question, there are times when we see deplorable leadership in action. We see this in our communities, our government, and in the private sector. With a lack of foresight to lead others and set a good example, followers have no other choice than to be left confused.

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