Tag Archives: Eleanor Roosevelt

5 Reads for President’s Day and Black History Month 2017

Every year during the month of February, we celebrate president’s day and black history month. What remains fascinating is the opportunity to always glean new lessons from the past. Leaders with prior experience and perspective can provide insight for leaders today.

Leading Ladies Impart Wisdom

Looking back throughout history, our nation’s leading ladies are examples of unparalleled wisdom. They sat poised next to the serving commander in chief. But, at the same time they stood and spoke up for justice on behalf of women. It might not have always been profound words that they said but it was their style, […]

First Ladies Lead The Way

Throughout history, there are numerous examples of leadership. Take for example leading first ladies, wives of American presidents. History captures their poise, contributions, and also their support for presidential figures. But, looking closer at their contributions as leading ladies helps to shed light on their own path as leaders. With or without their men to […]

Leaders Always Think Big

How many times have we seen the result of thinking big? Too many times! Without fail, there will always be the instances of those who have tremendous accomplishments, amazing feats, and incredible outcomes after taking time to carefully plan. In fact, Wilfred Peterson once said that “Big thinking precedes great achievement.” What is it about […]

Mothers, Our Greatest Leaders

This week, our nation celebrates Mother’s Day. Best-selling author Peter Senge in his noted book “The Fifth Discipline” points out that leadership skills mirror the skills of effective parenting. Of course, mothers are a perfect example. Believe it our not, reflections about Mother’s Day and leadership experts made me think about my grandmother this week. […]

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