Tag Archives: Dawn McCoy

5 Ways the King Memorial Reinforces Leadership

The American psyche was shook to its core with the inspirational movement of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Today marks the 48th annual recognition of the historical march on Washington and the “I Have a Dream” speech he delivered in Washington, DC. While a symbolic unveiling of the King Memorial in Washington planned for today […]

Join Forces, Make Things Happen

It should always be looked upon with favor. Working collaboratively brings so many positive results. It is not that there are always the best outcomes but taking time to work with others has great benefits. Sometimes fast! It was once said that “joining forces with others can bring big rewards.” No one knows this better […]

Pass the Leadership Baton, Please

Without fail, every year there are turnovers, promotions, and mergers. Companies downsize and seasoned veterans retire. There is a host of new leaders ready to take the reins. But, how can the most sophisticated leaders among us really step into center stage? Our leaders often leave huge footprints to fill. Many people step up or […]

Life is Too Short Not to Lead

Where did half of the year already go? Can you believe it is July and so much has already happened? It is a good thing that the best leaders track time and know that life is too short not to take the lead. But, what does that really mean? Sure, it makes sense to take […]

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