Tag Archives: Black History Month

Reflections About A Civil Rights Icon

A few weeks ago, I reflected about leaders who are all about service to others. Several names came to mind and then I remembered a book that I read last year from Senator Henry L. Marsh III. He had penned his memoirs and shared reflections from over a 50-year time period and his experiences as […]

Tubman and Strategic Leadership

Every year, the Association for the Study of African American Life and History (ASALH) celebrates black history month with reflections at an annual luncheon. The topic is generally the annual Black History Month theme and it is followed by a keynote speaker and reflections from ASALH leadership.

Leaders Who Spoke Out

Reflecting during Black History month is not just about reciting the accomplishments of African Americans. It means more than simply celebrating contributions. To me, it means drawing upon their collective wisdom to ascertain their leadership skills. To do so, it seemed necessary to think back to my experience last fall at the Freedom’s Sisters Exhibit […]

Black History Month 2010: Reflections of Trailblazers

Reflecting about Black History Month 2010 and the numerous contributions of African Americans throughout history, I am reminded of a speech I delivered before the California School Board Association delegate assembly in May 2005. It was a poignant moment for me as a junior school board trustee. I was taking a stand during a high-profile […]

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