Category Archives: Leadership

Looking Into the Crystal Ball

Some of the best plans are not dreamed up overnight. In fact, these might take decades to come to fruition. Why? It is probably because the brightest leaders among us decide to nurture a plan into action. Just how does this happen?

Make It Leadership Proof!

Will your decision-making stand the ultimate test? As a leader, you must do what it takes to makes sure that your action at the helm is leadership proof.

Absence of Fear

Recently I watched a Public Broadcasting System program, Freedom Songs: The Music of the Civil Rights Movement and I was reminded of a quote from Paulo Coehlo. He once said that “One has to understand that being brave is not the absence of fear but rather strength to keep on going despite the fear.” How […]

Andy Rooney Led the Way

This week’s episode of 60 minutes featured 92-year old Andy Rooney who gave his final rant upon his retirement from CBS News. Since 1978, he asked questions, challenged everyday assumptions, and questioned logic. If you did not have the pleasure to enjoy his contributions at the end of every Sunday evening episode, then you have […]

Lead Us Into Success

De facto leaders continue to fascinate me. Unfortunately, too many of them do not read the fine print in their job descriptions. Instead, they lead by fear tactics, exaggeration, and gamesmanship.

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