An Interview with Cynthia Williams-Bey on Leadership

ycynthiaBetween her roles as entrepreneur, mother, wife, and community advocate, Cynthia Williams-Bey and I connected for her to reflect about leadership. With an extraordinary insight about the expectations and complexities of leading others, she candidly shared about her moments, insights, and life lessons. What a fascinating leaders she is! 

Q: What was your most memorable leadership moment?

A: I am in the most challenging leadership moment I have ever experienced. Running a preschool, I have learned about stewardship. About two years ago, I was the owner of not just one but two preschools. It was an experienced where I learned that being a businesswoman is not just about money management. But, it is about all aspects of business. One of the most important qualities is human resource management.

For me, I learned that I must have standards around the hiring process. I hired good people. But, they were not qualified to execute the duties. I never took the time to set the culture and properly training my staff. I did not hold them accountable.

Q: What should others know about being in leadership roles?

A: When it comes to your vision, you must make sure that you have a clear expectation of your vision. In other words, it means having an expectation about the individuals you leave to handle your vision and projects.

In the end, I have found that God is one of restoration. I am not where I used to be. For that, I am grateful. I’m in a better season and the lesson of stewardship stays with me. This scripture certainly keeps me encouraged. Matthew 25:23 says “His Lord said unto him: Well done, good and faithful servant; thou hast been faithful over a few things. I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy Lord.”

Q: What has helped you the most in your leadership journey?

A: In my journey, I have experienced and learned more than I wanted. In many instance, I have felt like I wanted to go and bury myself in a cave because the lessons were so difficult to endure. But, in an odd and unperceived way, it has been those moments that have helped me the most. In order for someone to fall, they have to be in a posture of movement. If I wasn’t moving forward then I would have never been able to fall. The fact that I have remembrance of my last fall gives me strength to get back up and move on toward the mark.


Cynthia Williams-Bey is owner of Heaven Sent Child Care and learning Academy.

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