New Year Resolutions!

It’s the end of another calendar year. It’s almost New Year’s Eve 2016! Time to set new year’s resolutions, right? Wrong! This is the perfect time to re-double your efforts on existing endeavors and personal initiatives. No need to reinvent the wheel!

One way leaders can accomplish this is by remaining steadfast in their commitment to ongoing projects. Dusting off the cobwebs, re-starting the engines on a existing effort are great ways to start of the new year.

Leaders can also usher in the new year by keeping focused in their roles. Often leaders believe they should set their sites on the next big opportunity. Instead they should remain steadfast in their focus on current expectations. Possibilities to consider: Is there a more efficient way to deliver service in this current role? Are there additional resources available to achieve necessary improvements?

In short, leaders can do what they can right where they are! They can dust off current project, re-ignite dormant efforts, and just jump right into the new year ready! On your marks, get set… Go!

Dawn McCoy, author of Leadership Building Blocks: An Insider’s Guide to Success

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