Eric Hoffer once said that “The leader has to be practical and a realist yet must talk the language of the visionary and the idealist.”
How true is this? On one hand, a leader must maintain an idealist perspective full of hope and promise. He or she must believe in a better opportunity for tomorrow. There must be a focus on the “glass half full” concept.
But, at the same time, leaders must keep the gaze steady upon a clear vision. No time for daydreaming, some might ponder! It’s time focus on necessary work that must be done. It is necessary to remain steadfast in a linear fashion with a specific agenda in place. There is no time for idle minds!
So, every leader must grapple with the ever-present challenge of needing to be focused and still be a dreamer. Dream on, dreamers!
Dawn McCoy
Author of Leadership Building Blocks: An Insider’s Guide to Success