Noted author and businessman Harvey Mackay once said that “A mediocre person tells. A good person explains. A superior person demonstrates. A great person inspires others to see for themselves.” What meaningful words for leaders to follow!
In the era of “me too” leaders and self-appointed narcissist, it is refreshing that there are words to inspire authors to do more when engaging followers. It is baseline knowledge that leaders are expected to explain perspectives and insights. They also take the time to outline and describe initiatives, action plans, and directives.
Furthermore, it is commendable when there are leaders who take the time to teach. These are the leaders who pause and correct protégés. These are leader-instructors who focus their energies on telling and, more importantly, showing. What good is it if leaders just tell and do nothing to advise others?
Finally, profound words come from truly dynamic leaders who inspire others. Taking time to engage others is a first step. Making others feel empowered and encouraged is a giant leap. Inspiring others to find their own truth is paramount. Thank goodness leaders like Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and Mother Teresa inspired countless others to be leaders themselves and not just followers.
Dawn McCoy, author of Leadership Building Blocks: An Insider’s Guide to Success