An Ethiopian proverb says that “spider webs united can tied up a lion.” How true this is. But, just how can the smartest leaders among us get this message?
More often than not, leaders are the first ones to realize what is needed to have a meaningful impact. For instance, most leaders who are champions for a cause realize the importance of collaboration when they bridge their efforts together with others.
As the proverb mentions, joining forces together can have an exponential impact. It is building collaborations or alliances that really can make the difference.
Finally, going steps at a time can become leaps and bounds. Having a broader reach with a perspective, opinion, or challenge will go beyond the expected when aligning with like-minded people.
What will really make the difference? It will be those leaders working in tandem with those who see the bigger picture – alliances and collaboration.
-Dawn McCoy, author of Leadership Building Blocks: An Insider’s Guide to Success