Category Archives: Legacy

Nelson Mandela’s Legacy

In the early 1990s, I had the privilege of visiting South Africa. During my travels throughout the country, I was humbled by a visit to Robben Island and the life experiences of South African leader Nelson Mandela.

Got Chaos?

It has only been the first thirty days of a new year and already the news media has gone berserk. News stories cover calamities, catastrophes, and chaos from one end of the globe to the other. But, for solid and grounded leaders it is not a time to fret. On the contrary, leaders among us […]

Show, Tell, and Inspire!

Noted author and businessman Harvey Mackay once said that “A mediocre person tells. A good person explains. A superior person demonstrates. A great person inspires others to see for themselves.” What meaningful words for leaders to follow!

Leaders Among Us

Recently a trip to the grocery store provided a simple but amazingly true lesson in leadership. A young cashier was troubled by the process to ring up a gift card I was purchasing. She was confused and seemingly fumbled over the cash register rather than refusing to call for manager assistance. That is when the […]

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